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< Services >

Expand your business
with our TYPO3 expertise.
With a track record spanning over a decade, we are adept at providing thorough TYPO3 services tailored to any level of size and complexity.
TYPO3 is a powerful, flexible and scalable content management system (CMS) that enables companies to build and maintain powerful websites and portals efficiently. This system offers unparalleled freedom in customization, extensive multilingual capabilities and a vast array of extensions, making it the ideal choice for enterprises of all sizes.
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TYPO3 services include:
  • TYPO3 Templating
  • TYPO3 Development
  • TYPO3 Extension Development
  • TYPO3 Upgrade and Migration Services
  • TYPO3 SEO and Marketing
  • Ongoing TYPO3 Support and Maintenance

Why is CodeCraft21
your best partner in business?

Client Retention
Providing quality services and building strong relationships with clients our company fosters trust and encourages repeat business and referrals.
Staying abreast of industry trends and adopting new technologies helps our company adapt to changing client needs and preferences.
Data Security and Compliance
Implementing robust security measures and ensuring compliance with relevant regulations build trust with clients and protect sensitive data.
Quality Assurance and
Customer Satisfaction
Maintaining high standards, prioritizing customer needs, effective communication and following best practices in development ensures our clients the delivery of robust and reliable software solutions.
Long-Term Partnerships
Building long-term partnerships with clients fosters loyalty and recurring business opportunities, contributing to sustained growth.
Brand Recognition
Successful project deliveries and positive client experiences contribute to building a strong brand presence in the industry.

< Tech Stack >

The technologies that
elevate your potential
tech stack v2
We are always
open to questions
contact ico 1
We are always
open to questions