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software solutions tailored for excellence
We believe in creating outstanding software. That is why we’re committed to crafting solutions that are efficient and tailored to meet the unique challenges and objectives of your business.

What you get from
bespoke software solutions

Bespoke software is highly customizable and it allows your business to have full control over the features, functionalities and user interface according to your specific requirements.
Tailored to
and control

Take a deep dive into innovation
For us, outstanding software is at the heart of every successful business. That’s why we’re committed to crafting solutions that are efficient and tailored to meet the unique challenges and objectives of your business. From concept to deployment, our team works in unison with you, ensuring every line of code translates into real-world success.
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Software Development

Unlock the potential of bespoke software development designed to drive innovation and efficiency in your business. We use the latest technologies to deliver scalable and secure applications to boost your growth.
Our services:
  • Custom Software Development
  • Maintenance and Support
  • API Development and integration
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PIM: Product Information Management

Streamline the complexity of managing your product data with our advanced PIM solutions and ensure consistency, accuracy and availability across all channels. We promise operation efficiency and market responsiveness with centralized control over your product information lifecycle.
Our services:
  • Data Migration Services
  • Development of customizations
  • Development of middleware solutions
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TYPO3: Enterprise Content Management

Optimize your digital presence with Typo3, a powerful, flexible and scalable content management system that empowers businesses to build and maintain robust websites and portals. Typo3 offers unparalleled freedom in customization, has multilingual capabilities and a vast array of extensions, making it ideal for enterprises of all sizes.
Our services:
  • TYPO3 Templating
  • TYPO3 Development
  • TYPO3 Extension Development
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Software craftsmanship tailored to your needs

At CodeCRAFT1, we deliver reliable software solutions with care, fuelled by the power of collaboration. Trust us and we will provide you with exceptional service and build lasting relationships.

< Why Us >

What sets us apart
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Client Retention
Providing quality services and building strong relationships with clients our company fosters trust and encourages repeat business and referrals.
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Staying abreast of industry trends and adopting new technologies helps our company adapt to changing client needs and preferences.
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Data Security and Compliance
Implementing robust security measures and ensuring compliance with relevant regulations build trust with clients and protect sensitive data.
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Quality Assurance and Customer Satisfaction
Maintaining high standards, prioritizing customer needs, effective communication and following best practices in development ensures our clients the delivery of robust and reliable software solutions.
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Long-Term Partnerships
Building long-term partnerships with clients fosters loyalty and recurring business opportunities, contributing to sustained growth.
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Brand Recognition
Successful project deliveries and positive client experiences contribute to building a strong brand presence in the industry.

< Tech Stack >

The technologies that
elevate your potential
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< Testimonials >

When our clients speak, we listen

Mit der Unterstützung von the P.I.M. Company halten wir unsere Webpräsenz immer spannend und zeitgemäß. Von der Neuentwicklung von Tools, dem Website-Relaunch bis zu Systempflege und Support werden wir mit exzellenten Reaktionszeiten kompetent betreut. Die jahrelange Zusammenarbeit sichert unseren hohen Standard bei stetiger Optimierung – mitsamt der Freiheit, uns – entspannt – auf unseren Kernarbeitsbereich, das Marketing, zu konzentrieren.
Johanna Kiess
European Bank for Financial Services GmbH (ebase®) | Head of Digital Marketing & User Experience
Einmal abgesehen vom guten Projektergebnis, war ich sehr begeistert wie the P.I.M. Company arbeitet. Sie hören genauer zu und stellen auch unangenehme Fragen – die uns weiter bringen. Das Team von Roland Farkas hat uns von Anfang an super abgeholt und das Gefühl geschenkt, dass wir immer alles unter Kontrolle haben. Dass wir Herr der Daten und des PIM-Systems sind. Und die Komplexität der Daten und Bespielung der Kommunikations-Kanäle voll im Griff haben. Danke dafür.
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Sebastian Wieneke
Musterring International Josef Höner GmbH & Co. KG | Leitung E-Commerce
Mit Hilfe von the P.I.M. Company hat EMKA für sein über 15.000 Artikel umfassendes Produkt-Portfolio ein modernes PIM-System erfolgreich aufgebaut. Roland Farkas und sein Team haben das System kompetent und zuverlässig den modularen Besonderheiten der EMKA-Produktwelt individuell angepasst.
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Dr. Ralph Kloth
Leiter strategischer Vertrieb & Marketing, EMKA Beschlagteile
Unseren Wünschen entsprechend wurde uns sehr zeitnah eine optimale Lösung angeboten und umgesetzt: Eine zentrale PIM-Lösung, die es uns erlaubt, unser Produktprogramm sehr kundenfreundlich und mehrsprachig darzustellen. An the P.I.M. Company schätzen wir besonders die kompetente Komplettbetreuung, kurze Kommunikationswege sowie flexible Problemlösungen.
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Dirk Rott
Leiter Marketing, Wachendorff Prozesstechnik
Besonders schätzen wir an The P.I.M. Company die Kreativität, Flexibilität und vor allem die Systematik, mit der sie an Projekte und Vorhaben herangehen.
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Peter Kraus
Richter+Frenzel GmbH + Co. KG

< Our Clients >

They made our journey more adventurous
At the heart of our mission, we navigate the vast digital seas alongside a diverse array of partners. Our commitment to exploring the depths of technology and delivering bespoke software solutions has forged lasting bonds with our clients.

< Career >

Begin your voyage with CodeCRAFT21
Join our team and step into a world where innovation thrives, and learning never stops. 
Be a part of a team where every project is an opportunity to learn, innovate and excel.
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We are always
open to questions
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We are always
open to questions